When Arden Rogow-Bales '10 entered the Classics Department's annual Latin translation competition in the spring of his sophomore year, he thought he had a chance at winning ? but he had no idea he would earn several thousand dollars for a .... Where funds have been given to the University with a specified purpose, the University is a fiduciary for the donor or his/her estate. To siphon off the "excess" because the University, in it's infinite wisdom (and need) determines ...
property (real bestate/b) prices: going through the roof, if you'll excuse the pun. and very fast too. i'm not bothered about that. :). tourism: apparently down a bit overall, but there are still loads of brits coming and going (1.5 ...
Contributions to the American Red Cross, a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are deductible for computing income and bestate/b taxes.? Copyright The American Red Cross. All Rights Reserved.